A dental crown provides a durable and lifelike solution for a severely decayed or damaged tooth that a filling alone can’t fix. While they are strong and are designed to be long-lasting, they aren’t indestructible. Eventually, you’ll need to replace them. With proper maintenance and care, your dental crown can last ten – or even fifteen – years. However, how do you know when it’s due for a replacement? What should you watch out for that could occur even before your restoration hits the ten-year mark? Here are 4 signs it’s time to replace your dental crown.
1) It’s been 10 or more years since you got your dental crown.
Dental crowns are not supposed to be a permanent restoration. The lifespan of your crown depends on a number of factors, such as whether or not you grind your teeth, your eating habits, the crown’s material, and your oral hygiene routine.
While it’s possible to maintain a crown for over 15 years, being proactive about consulting your dentist even if your crown is still in good condition can stop you from losing or breaking it at a more inconvenient time. Don’t worry – you can do this at your biannual checkups!
2) Keeping it in is harming your oral health.
Your beautiful dental crown is supposed to enhance, not harm, your smile. If your gumline is receding or there’s pain, swelling, or inflammation around your crowned tooth, it’s time for a dental checkup. Your crown could be due for a replacement.
To lower the chances of bacterial buildup or an infection, make sure you’re maintaining good oral hygiene and using antibacterial mouthwash.
3) You’re not satisfied with how it looks anymore.
If you need the repairs of a dental crown but don’t want it to catch people’s attention in the wrong way, you may have opted for a metal-free crown. While they are stain-resistant, you may want to have your restoration replaced if it’s standing out from the rest of your smile. This could be because your natural teeth no longer match the color of your crown.
4) Your dental crown has gotten damaged over time.
No matter how durable your dental crown is, accidents happen. It’s not impossible for your restoration to become chipped, cracked, or worn down for a variety of reasons. If you grind your teeth or sustain some sort of mouth injury, you may need to replace your crown.
Consider asking your dentist for a custom mouthguard that can shield both your natural teeth and dental work.
If you’re not sure if your dental crown needs replacing yet, but you also feel like something isn’t quite right anymore, contact your dentist. It’s always better to be proactive when it comes to your smile!
About the Author
Dr. Wesley N. Parks has been providing high-quality dental care to the greater Lincoln community for over 20 years. Whether your teeth have gotten chipped, cracked, worn down, or otherwise damaged, Dr. Parks is eager to fit you with a completely personalized zirconia dental crown for long-lasting, lifelike results. If it’s time for your dental crown to be replaced, contact Dr. Parks through his website or by phone at (402) 484-6042.