Replace Missing Teeth – Lincoln, NE

Giving You a Complete Smile Again

Tooth loss can be inconvenient at best and the cause of various health problems at worst. Even a single missing tooth can jeopardize your oral health by causing your jawbone to weaken and your remaining teeth to drift out of alignment. Not to mention, chewing difficulties can lead to nutritional deficiencies that impact your overall wellness. At Parks Family Dental, we offer plenty of options for giving you a complete smile again, no matter how many teeth you’ve lost. Call us today to learn more about our lifelike solutions to replace missing teeth at our Lincoln, NE dental office.

Animated smile during tooth replacement

Why Choose Parks Family Dental for Tooth Replacement?

  • Digital, Goop-Free Dental Impressions
  • Partnered with the Best Local Dental Labs & Oral Surgeons
  • Insurance-Friendly Dental Office

Dental Bridges

Animated smile during dental bridge placement

A dental bridge can be an excellent way to replace a single missing tooth or even multiple missing teeth in a row. This prosthetic consists of two dental crowns with one or more replacement teeth, called pontics, in between them. The crowns are fitted over each of the natural teeth at the ends of the gap, with the pontics literally “bridging” the space between them. At Parks Family Dental, we offer bridges made from lifelike materials to restore your smile’s appearance as well as its function.


Animated smile during dental implant supported denture placement

Losing most or all of your teeth on an arch can be devastating, but dentures can bring back all of them in one fell swoop. There are two main types of dentures, both of which utilize natural-looking materials for incredibly seamless results. Full dentures replace an entire arch by taking advantage of the natural suction against your gums to stay in place. Partial dentures fit between your remaining teeth to fill the gaps like the last piece of a puzzle.

Dental Implants

Animated smile during dental implant supported dental crown placement

For a more permanent solution that looks and feels almost exactly like real teeth, we may recommend dental implants. This treatment involves surgically placing small, screw-shaped posts within the jawbone, where they provide enough support for a dental crown, bridge, or denture – depending on how many teeth a patient is missing. Because the implant naturally fuses with the jawbone, it functions just like the roots of natural teeth for a solution that is practically identical to the real thing in every way.

Learn About Dental Implants